tetradrachm of Leontinoi, 455-430 BC

Obv. hd Apollo
Rev. hd lion, leaf and 3 barley grains around, LEONTINON

vW 3070   17.63 g   nv JEAN ELSEN sa, Auction 63 (2000) no. 154

455-430 BC  17.19 g  Triton I 259	
440     BC  17.63 g  Elsen 63 154
440     BC  17.37 g  Sotheby's Zurich 1993 213
466-422 BC  17.26 g  Pozzi 1071 vente 471	
455-422 BC  15.65 g  SNG Munich 558	

See die-coupling tetradrachms (Van Wielink Leontinoi Group III)